
Friday, January 20, 2012

Country Style New Years

It's become a tradition over the past six years or so to drive up to the Central Valley for New Years. We spend the evening with my Great Aunt and Uncle and have a big dinner (fried turkey, normally; cioppino this year) and a huge breakfast to ring in the New Year. Every year, for reasons even I don't understand, I dread going. I guess it's just that a long car ride + an uneventful evening = a seemingly unpleasant trip. But every year I end up loving it. I spend at least an hour walking around the house taking pictures, reminiscing about all the summers I spent there as a child. No matter how much I pretend to hate going, it always feels like home when I'm there. This year was especially fun because my mom took me to the Feed & Seed to try on cowboy boots and then to some of my favorite antique shops (who knew a little nothing town like Oakdale could have some of the best antiques?) I scored an adorable vintage Valentine's Day card and a Brownie Holiday Flash circa 1960! 

Aldous in her car seat... what a cutie!
Black walnuts tree; I love the way the branches look.

China Doll - I remember when she was just a puppy... I think it was 1999? 

The beginnings of cioppinno...

Delicious pot o' crab!

Finished product... steamy cioppino!

My Brownie Holiday Flash! (Sorry for the poor quality... taken with an iTouch.)

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